Forest Dwelling: a return to poetry

It has been a long time since I’ve written poetry—very likely approaching 20 years. So, I’m sorry in advance if this poem is terrible. I took poetry classes in college—one creative writing class and several literature classes. I started writing poetry in high school. Back then I tended to focus on nature and the interaction between people as my poems’ themes. I will most likely continue to do this.

I’m returning to poetry writing to try to strengthen one of my greatest weaknesses as a fiction writer—descriptions. Working on this poem has helped me to slow down and be more observant of my surroundings. It has also helped me to choose my words more carefully and to search for the best words to evoke the sight, sounds, feeling, and scent of the scene. I hope this will eventually translate into better descriptions in my fiction.

This poem isn’t perfect and I can’t quite seem to get it to where I want it, but with practice and immersing myself in poetry in general, I hope I will improve.

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